And the award for best use of that deer GIF ever goes to…
Reblogging for the sake of that gif.
mjenai OMGomg…
Join me on tumblr at http://ift.tt/1naB4h5
And the award for best use of that deer GIF ever goes to…
Reblogging for the sake of that gif.
mjenai OMGomg…
Here’s a raisin to get out of bed in the morning
this is hands down the most suspicious headline I’ve ever read
How To NOT Have a Bad Time on Stimulative Drugs
written by zak/thizz-or-die™
as you and I both know, stimulants are a group of drugs that speed up the central nervous system. some common stimulants are: methylamphetamine, amphetamine, dextroamphetamine (dexedrine, vyvanse, adderall,…
this is what our tax dollars pay for
Amazing resin bracelets on http://faeriemag.com
For a second I thought these were rings and I was so fucking excited.
a brief summary of my life
How to write a good story.
kinda peeved that it’s not my original post BUT HOLY SHIT
Alas, that’s the danger of Tumblr. But here, I reblog you now. Nice job
Oh my god, old Irish proverbs are the best
and my personal favourite
It’s been a long time since I posted this. I keep running into people who tell me it was, for them, a lifechanger or a lifesaver, so I thought I’d put it up again. Everything I know about a life in the arts, in about 20 minutes.